PHP Programming Syntax Overview - Learn easily for Beginners
This section will present you an thought of easy basic syntax of PHP Language & very important to create your PHP foundation strong.
Escaping to PHP Language
The PHP Language parsing engine requirements a way to make different PHP Programming syntax from other part in the page. The method for doing so is known as 'escaping to PHP Language'. There are 4 method to do this.
Canonical PHP Programming tags
The most commonly useful PHP tag style
If you use this technique, you can be positive that your tags will constantly be right interpreted.
Short -open (Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)-style) tags
Short or short-open tags look like −
small tags are, as one force expect, the shortest opportunity You must do one of two possessions to allow PHP to identify the tag −
• select the - allow - short-tag design option when you are structure PHP.
• fix the short open tags set in your php.ini file. This selection must be disable to parse XML with PHP because the same syntax is use for XML tag.
ASP-style tags
ASP - style tags imitate the tags used by Active Server Page to outline code block. ASP - style tag like this −
To use ASP - style tag, you will need to be set the configuration selection in your php.ini file.
HTML script tags
HTML script tag like this −
<script language="PHP">...</script>
comment PHP Code.
A comment is the part of a programming that exist only for the individual reader & exposed out previous to display the programming effect. There are two comment format in PHP −
Single - line comments:- They are normally use for small explanation or note related to the locals code. Here are the example of single line comment.
# This is a comment, and
# This is the second line of the comment
// This is a comment too. Each style comments only
print "An example with single line comments";
Multi lines printing:- Here are the example to publish various position in a single print statement −
# First Example
print <<< END
This use the "here document" syntax to output
various lines with $variable interpolation .
that the here document terminators must appear on a
line with just a semicolon not extra white space !
# Second Example
print "This spans many lines. The new lines will be output as well";
Canonical PHP Programming tags
The most commonly useful PHP tag style
If you use this technique, you can be positive that your tags will constantly be right interpreted.
Short -open (Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)-style) tags
Short or short-open tags look like −
small tags are, as one force expect, the shortest opportunity You must do one of two possessions to allow PHP to identify the tag −
• select the - allow - short-tag design option when you are structure PHP.
• fix the short open tags set in your php.ini file. This selection must be disable to parse XML with PHP because the same syntax is use for XML tag.
ASP-style tags
ASP - style tags imitate the tags used by Active Server Page to outline code block. ASP - style tag like this −
To use ASP - style tag, you will need to be set the configuration selection in your php.ini file.
HTML script tags
HTML script tag like this −
<script language="PHP">...</script>
comment PHP Code.
A comment is the part of a programming that exist only for the individual reader & exposed out previous to display the programming effect. There are two comment format in PHP −
Single - line comments:- They are normally use for small explanation or note related to the locals code. Here are the example of single line comment.
# This is a comment, and
# This is the second line of the comment
// This is a comment too. Each style comments only
print "An example with single line comments";
Multi lines printing:- Here are the example to publish various position in a single print statement −
# First Example
print <<< END
This use the "here document" syntax to output
various lines with $variable interpolation .
that the here document terminators must appear on a
line with just a semicolon not extra white space !
# Second Example
print "This spans many lines. The new lines will be output as well";
Multi lines comment:- They are normally used to afford artificial cods algorithms & extra details explanation when needed. The multi line style of comment is the same as in php. Here are the pattern of multiline comments.
/* This is a comments with multi line
Author : Binod yadav
Purpose : Multi line Comments Demo
Subject: PHP language
print "An example with multi line comments";
PHP Language is white space insensitive:
Whites pace is the things you type that is normally unseen on the screen, with spaces, tab, & carriage return (end of line character).
PHP white space insensitive means that it almost in no way matter how many white space characters you have in a row . one white space quality is the same as many such as characters.
For example: each of the next PHP statement that assign the sum of 4 + 4 to the variable $four is equal :
This will create the next result :
Braces make blocks
Every though statement can not be mutual like language, you can all times puts a sequences of statement any where a statements can go by enclose them in aset of curly brace ({}).
Here both statement are equivalent:
if (4 == 2 + 2)
print("Good- I have not totally lost mymind<br>");
if (4 == 2 + 2) {
print("Good- I have not totally");
print("lost my mind <br>");
Run PHP Scripts from Commands Prompt:
Sure you can run your PHP scripts on your commands prompt . presumptuous you have next contents in hello.php file.
echo "Hello PHP Program!!!!!";
At present run this scripts as command prompt as follows:
$ php hello.php
It will create the next result :
Hello PHP!!!!
I expect now you have basic knowledge of PHP Syntax..
Variable capitals is 67
Variable Capitals is.
Statements are expressions terminated by semicolons In PHP
A statement in PHP Language is any appearance that is followed by a semi colon (;) . Any series of valid PHP language statement that is en-closed by the PHP tag is a valids PHP programming. Here is a typical statements in PHP , which in this case assign a strings of character to a variables called $greeting-$greetings = "Welcome to PHP language!";
Expression are combination of token Php
The minimum structure block of PHP are the inseparable token, such as number (4.16157), string (.two.), variable ($two), constant (TRUE), & the special word that create the syntax of PHP it self like if , else , while , for & so forth.Braces make blocks
Every though statement can not be mutual like language, you can all times puts a sequences of statement any where a statements can go by enclose them in aset of curly brace ({}).
Here both statement are equivalent:
if (4 == 2 + 2)
print("Good- I have not totally lost mymind<br>");
if (4 == 2 + 2) {
print("Good- I have not totally");
print("lost my mind <br>");
Run PHP Scripts from Commands Prompt:
Sure you can run your PHP scripts on your commands prompt . presumptuous you have next contents in hello.php file.
echo "Hello PHP Program!!!!!";
At present run this scripts as command prompt as follows:
$ php hello.php
It will create the next result :
Hello PHP!!!!
I expect now you have basic knowledge of PHP Syntax..
PHP Programming Syntax Overview - Learn easily for Beginners
Reviewed by Binod Kumar
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