Introduction To PHP Programming Language for Absolute Beginners
PHP in progress out as a little open source assignment that
evolved as additional and more people set up out how helpful it was. Rasmus
Lerdorf unleashed the 1st edition of PHP way reverse in 1994.
- PHP originally stand for Personal Home Page. but it now stands for the recursive acronym PHP. "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor".
- PHP is a server side scripting language PHP may be embedded in HTML code. It is used to manage dynamic Website, session tracking and databases, even make complete e-commerce sites.
- It is connected with a number of most popular databases, as well as MySQL, Orecle, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server and Informix.
- PHP is performance bright in its implementation, mainly when compiled as an Apache server on the Unix Operating system. The MySQL server, once ongoing, executes even very difficult queries with huge result sets in record setting time.
- PHP work a large number of major protocols. for example IMAP, POP3 and LDAP. PHP added support for Java and share object practices (CORBA & COM), creation in tier progress a option for the 1st time.
Common uses of PHP
- PHP work system functions, like from files on a system it can develop read , open , write, & close them.
- PHP handle forms like => from data files, save input data to a files, you can send data through email, user return the data.
- You add, delete, edit elements within database.
- Set cookies Get cookies variables.
- You can restrict some pages of website.
Feature of PHP
Five main feature create
PHP's useful nature possible −
- Efficiency
- Simplicity
- Flexibility
- Familiarity
- Security
"Hello PHP World" syntax in PHP
To get a think for PHP syntax, first set up with easy PHP
scripts. as "Hello, php World"
is an important Ex. first we will generate a responsive small "Hello, php
World!" syntax.
As mentioned previous, PHP is fixed in HTML. That method
that in between your normally HTML
<title>Hello PHP World</title>
<?php echo "Hello, PHP World!";?>
It will produce
following result −
Hello, PHP World!
If you look at the HTML result of the more than result, you
will see that the PHP programming code
is't present in file sent from the server to your Web url. All of the PHP
present in the Web page is process and naked from the page. The just thing back
to the client from the Web server is clean HTML output.
All PHP programming code must be built-in indoors one of the
three unique markup tags ate are recognized by the PHP Parser.
<?php PHP code goes here ?>
<? PHP code goes here ?>A most familiar tag is the <?php...?> and we will also use the same tag in our PHP tutorial.
Introduction To PHP Programming Language for Absolute Beginners
Reviewed by Binod Kumar
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